That being said, the administrative team has been working closely with all teachers to ensure they are prepared and ready to give your child/ren the best academic experience we can through online communication (zoom, email, etc.)
I know the bulk of concern surrounds seniors and our parents of seniors. We will be posting a FAQ on our website and Facebook in the very near future that will give you answers to some of the pressing questions you may have.
In the same light, most of the parents and students that are reaching out is in regards to the graduation ceremony. The administrative team is meeting, again, this morning to discuss all possibilities and options. We have to consider everything from a delayed ceremony to creative measures if we are still under the guidelines of a quarantine. I want to reassure all of you that it is our intent to hold a ceremony that will honor every graduating senior in the highest degree. We have discussed some very creative measures and, as this is not ideal for anyone, we feel it is extremely important to declare every eligible senior a graduate.
The administration will keep you updated as Governor Holcomb and Dr. Jennifer McCormick determine the course of our state and county's quarantine guidelines. Look for additional documents to be posted very soon to our website and Facebook page for further guidance.
I thank each and every one of you for understanding the state of education and the health of our county/state.
In Education,

Ryan Middleton